"Bubba" sightings in the international press and selected blogs.

Saturday, February 14, 2004

CBS Pulls Advertisement on Medicare Prepared by Administration

"CBS said on Friday that it had stopped running a television advertisement for the new Medicare prescription drug law while Congress investigates its accuracy.

The 30-second advertisement, prepared by the Bush administration, assures Medicare beneficiaries that the program is not changing in any way except to provide 'more benefits.' Democratic members of Congress and some liberal advocacy groups say the advertisement amounts to a taxpayer-subsidized political commercial for the administration.

Stooping this low is not surprising for Bubba Bush administration. After all, they've gotten away with so many specious assertions already, why not another one?

Perhaps our Bubba-in-chief just hasn't noticed that the rules of the game have changed recently in big media. George W. is, of course, kept away from the madding, dissenting crowds and is only briefed by his very-close staffers, so he may just think that he can pull one more whopper and no one will be any wiser.

But that's no longer the case. In 2000, no one dared talk about the AWOL-thing, even though W wasn't yet appointed by the Supreme Court. But today we can quite openly suspect the integrity of the current Big Bubba without fear. And CBS can pull the administration's ads because of questions of "accuracy". Why?

Because Big Business is finally getting tired of seeing the economy going down the drain just to satisfy neocon fanatics (oops, that's probably redundant). And when Big Business changes course, the Big Media do too since they are indistinguishable, and that's what we're seeing today. After all, if you were a businessman, wouldn't you prefer the booming Clinton economy to the Bubba Bush bust?

Kerry hasn't said much about media ownership rules, which probably makes him a viable candidate for Big Media.


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