"Bubba" sightings in the international press and selected blogs.

Monday, February 09, 2004

Libération :L'Amérique sein dessus dessous

Pretty much the entire world is poking fun at the knee-jerk-Bubba attitude in the US. How does one glimpse of one-half of Janet Jackson's bosom manage to show this attitude so well? Most of the Frenchies just think "Haven't Americans ever seen a breast before?" It's a good question.

Now what better way to discuss the phenomenon in France than to show us JJ's stunt. It's been in the free papers that you read on the train. And now I find it in Liberation's online edition, so I decided to add a link to it. Shocking, n'est-ce pas?

Now what I find funny in this story is that if there is anything lewd and tasteless in the half-time performace, it wasn't JJ's enhanced nipple but rather the whole song and dance. Being half topless was perhaps the only human part of her stunt: the black merry-widow getup is just horribly bad taste, so tear the whole thing off. And all the grinding, the cheesy lyrics, get rid of 'em.

When you get down to it, the tastelessness and cheesyness were an original part of the act.


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