"Bubba" sightings in the international press and selected blogs.

Friday, November 07, 2003

NYTimes.com: Jessica Lynch Criticizes U.S. Accounts of Her Ordeal

"The book has already added another, lurid indignity to the public accounts of her capture. It reports that Ms. Lynch's military doctors found injuries consistent with sexual assault and unlikely to have resulted from the Humvee crash that caused her other wounds, suggesting that she was raped after her capture. Ms. Lynch, who was unconscious immediately after the crash, does not remember any such assault, according to people who have talked to her and read the book.
Asked how she felt about the reports of her heroism, Ms. Lynch told Ms. Sawyer, 'It hurt in a way that people would make up stories that they had no truth about. Only I would have been able to know that, because the other four people on my vehicle aren't here to tell the story. So I would have been the only one able to say, yeah, I went down shooting. But I didn't.'
"From the time I woke up in that hospital, no one beat me, no one slapped me, no one, nothing," Ms. Lynch told Diane Sawyer, adding, "I'm so thankful for those people, because that's why I'm alive today."

I'm glad to see the truth coming out, although the Bubba stories are still rolling around. The army doctors say she was raped but Lynch said she wasn't. Who do you believe? The Iraqi who informed the US soldiers of her whereabouts and who is now trying to make a buck off of it says she was slapped, but Lynch denies this. Who do you believe? Who has the most chance of lying in this case?

Lynch's memories more closely match the reports made by the hospital staff in the Arab and European press than the military's "leaks". Who do you believe?

Then again, if you are a "Bubba" and you apply "BubbaLogic", you are required to dismiss this differences and continue to believe the "she was raped, stabbed, shot" story. Then you can feel good about supporting Bush and hating France and not paying taxes and driving big cars and being a total Bubba. How nice to feel good!


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