"Bubba" sightings in the international press and selected blogs.

Tuesday, November 04, 2003

Fetal Brains Suffer Badly From Effects of Alcohol

"The effect of low levels of alcohol appears to be subtle, said Dr. James R. West, head of the department of anatomy and neurobiology at the Texas A&M medical school.

'Perhaps instead of having an I.Q. of 120, you might end up with 115,' he said. 'You might seem perfectly normal, but not have the motor skills to make the high school football team.'

Bubba West, an Aggie, shows a good example of Bubba science. Instead of saying what is obvious, that effects of low-level drinking by pregnant mothers in unmeasurable, he says, in effect, "The effects are real but subtle." Bubba West leaves us to wonder about his theories surrounding creationism.

Bubba lawyers may just find a goldmine in Bubba West's announcements: you can now use this "medical fact" in a case to sue your mother, who's drinking caused you to miss the cut for the football team.


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