"Bubba" sightings in the international press and selected blogs.

Wednesday, April 28, 2004

HoustonChronicle.com - Kerry pushes military service issue

I've blogged Devenish previously. She's a great source of Bubba-isms and today is no exception.

You've got Bush, Cheney and the horde of Rebubbalican senators making tentative "smear" statements about Kerry. Their statements contain no substance, but as usual in the US media, the form and the sound bites are all that counts.

So what does Kerry do? He points out the obvious: Bush and Chener were draft evaders. They have no moral highground to smear: on the contrary, they would be ashamed of themselves if it weren't for the absolving power of prayer (see yesterday's post). (This article pretty-much sums up the situation and very well.)

Devenish's response to Kerry's response:

"Bush campaign spokeswoman Nicolle Devenish said Kerry is 'doing exactly what he said he would never do, `divide America over who served and how.' '

She was referring to Kerry's defense of Bill Clinton in 1992 when critics said the future president was a draft dodger who avoided service in Vietnam.

Gee, is Kerry dividing America? I don't think America is divided over Bush and Cheney's military records. Do you?


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