"Bubba" sightings in the international press and selected blogs.

Monday, April 26, 2004

National Day of Prayer: Prayer Tips -- Prayer Triggers

"This week, practice using 'prayer triggers.' Let even fleeting thoughts of your friends, loved ones, and 'enemies' turn into prayer for them. The prayer can be as simple as breathing the name, 'Jesus.' "

It's amazing. All this time, I thought that I had been "cursing" but come to find out that saying "Jesus" under my breath was really a "prayer". Hallalujah! What would the "saved" part of my family think of that?

And now I have joined the vast ranks of Bubbas and formidable people who pray. I especially appreciate that Oliver North is a prayer-guy. And now he's honorary chariman of the NDP "National Day of Prayer". To quote the Vice Chairman:

"To say we are honored by Col. North's partnership with our ministry would be an understatement," NDP Vice Chairman Jim Weidmann said. "He is a man of integrity and faith who has conducted himself with tremendous personal strength and grace during some very difficult circumstances. With this year's theme and because of the Colonel's recent war coverage for FOX News, we couldn't be more pleased to have him as our Honorary Chairman."

Of course integrity is the first thing that comes to mind when I think of someone who lies to Congress under oath and shreds papers.
As pointed out in the Madison Capital Times:

"North admitted he had lied to Congress and destroyed evidence. He said, "I am ... not at all ashamed of any of the things that I did. I was given a mission and I tried to carry it out."

That's what's so good about prayer: it allows you a great deal of cognitive dissonance. So you can lie, shred, break laws and still write a book proclaiming describing:

Real-life stories about how prayer gives freedom from guilt, anxiety and self-deception.

And just in case that you thought that this was just a fringe movement, take a look at what Rick Perry, the governor of Texas has to say:

I, Rick Perry, Governor of Texas, do hereby May 6, 2004, A Day of Prayer in Texas [...]

Just one more prayer: Forgive them Lord, for they know not what they do.


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