"Bubba" sightings in the international press and selected blogs.

Saturday, April 10, 2004

Boston.com : Kerry calls for larger role for allies

Whereas Kerry makes a compelling argument for brining allies on board to turn the Iraq debacle around:

"Kerry, who has come under pressure in recent days to specify how his approach to Iraq would differ from President Bush's, advocated turning over control of Iraq to an international body that would make decisions about governing and rebuilding Iraq. He also called for imploring Arab and European allies to realize they are at risk for terrorism emanating from an unstable Iraq.

'If you have a global sense of purpose, the capacity of an insurgency to take hold becomes much harder,' Kerry said

The Committee for the Reelection of Bubba Bush (CREEBB) spokesperson churns out bubbaisms:

"'Instead of showing the world and the enemies of freedom that America stands firmly behind the effort in Iraq and is committed to victory, John Kerry has made the political calculation to rail against the war on terror at every stop on the campaign trail without offering any credible alternative,' Devenish said.

'John Kerry has no plan for the war on terror, just personal political attacks that he launches against the president and our allies who are standing strong against global terror.'

This is a stroke of pure Bubba on several accounts:

A. When Kerry presents an alternative plan to address the Iraq situation, the Bubbas call it "railing". But that's not railing, that's a plan.

B. Devenish says that Kerry is "against the war on terror" (WOT); on the contrary, Kerry is proposing a much more credible, mutlilateral, legimate, cost efficient stance to WOT. It's not Bush's WOT, that's all. And, as the entire world has noticed, Bush's WOT is failing miserable in all respects and bringing the American economy down with it, so it's about time for a change.

C. Devenish says that Kerry is not "offering any credible alternative". On the contrary, Kerry's multilateral proposition seems much more credible.

D. When Devenish says that Kerry is just making "personal political attacks" we know what this means that the Bubbas don't want to discuss the facts.

So this is the state of affairs: the Bush campaign will simple denigrate Kerry and not argue the merits of any proposition. My intuition is that Americans no longer give Bush any benefit of the doubt and that they won't be fooled again.

Perhaps the following can be considered "railing" by the Bubbas. For my part, it's one of the most inspiring statements that I've heard since de Villepin addressed the Security Council:

"... I think the president needs to answer a simple question to Americans, which is: Why is the United States of America, why is the American taxpayer, why is the American soldier, almost single-handedly bearing the cost and risk of what we're doing there, when the whole word has a legitimate stake in the outcome? It represents, in my judgment, an extraordinary failure of strategy, diplomacy, implementation, and we have every right in the world to hold them accountable."


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