"Bubba" sightings in the international press and selected blogs.

Sunday, February 15, 2004

NYTimes Editorial: How America Doesn't Vote

"The sad state of voting rolls may be due to underfunding and mismanagement, but it can create an appearance of ulterior motives. The voters wrongly removed by Ms. Harris's purge were disproportionately black -- African-Americans make up one of the strongest Democratic voting groups in the state -- as were the voters on the St. Louis inactive voters list. For years, partisan 'ballot security' programs in the South singled out tens of thousands of black voters for removal from the voting rolls. Just this month, civil rights groups sued a Texas district attorney who threatened, in violation of the law, to prosecute students at Prairie View A&M University, a predominantly black school, if they register using their school addresses."

In Iran it's the Conservatives banning the moderate candidates.

In the US, it's Republican governors that "ban" moderate voters.

Time to ask Kofi Annan and the Swedish Parliament to send UN observers to the US for the next presidential election.


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