"Bubba" sightings in the international press and selected blogs.

Wednesday, January 28, 2004

Squeaky Clean? Not Even Close

"'The basic reality is that the risks that scare people and the risks that kill people are very different,' said Dr. Peter M. Sandman, a risk communication consultant in Princeton, N.J. 'Risks that you control,' Dr. Sandman said, 'are much less a source of outrage than risks that are out of your control. In the case of mad cow, it feels like it's beyond my control. I can't tell if my meat has prions in it or not. I can't see it, I can't smell it. Whereas dirt in my own kitchen is very much in my own control. I can clean my sponges. I can clean the floor.'
Dread is another factor, Dr. Sandman said. People can deal with sick stomachs, but they absolutely dread the idea of rotting brains.

My wife has often said this about her fellow students who worked in chemical laboratories -- that because they "knew" the risks that they were willing to take them. This article would seem to go along these lines -- but in the kitchen.

Of course, a lot of people probably don't know the risks. But even if they did, they probably wouldn't change their habits very much.


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