"Bubba" sightings in the international press and selected blogs.

Monday, January 26, 2004

CBC News: No evidence of WMDs in Iraq: chief U.S weapons inspector

"When asked whether Bush owes the U.S. an explanation following Kay's findings, Kay said: 'I actually think the intelligence community owes the president, rather than the president owing the American people.' "

Amazing demabubbery! Under the Patriot Act, the US can jail you without charge and without owing an explanation to anybody, this now being a practice sanctioned by the US Supreme Court.

In the Bubba Bush administration, we can put outrageous and dubious claims in the SOTU address and we still don't owe anyone an explanation. What happened to our "government of the people, by the people, for the people"? What happened to accountability? This is truly the Enron presidency, except even Enron officials are finally being held accountable.


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