"Bubba" sightings in the international press and selected blogs.

Tuesday, January 27, 2004

Intelligence failure helped persuade Bush to invade Iraq

"The United States is paying a high price for that failure of intelligence. We must find out how and why it happened to ensure that it does not happen again."

Once again an attempt to make us believe the unbelievable: that Bubba Bush was persuaded by bad intelligence to do a preemptive war on Iraq, a war decision made in spite of the caution of pretty much the entire world, including, prior to the invasion, a majority within the US. So many reports leading up to the war noted that the Bubba Bush administration's claims were not backed-up by intelligence, that he was leading the CIA in its conclusions, that his SOTU for 2003 included statements that had been previously disclaimed by the CIA but added in by Bubba Condie.

And now the Charlotte Perverser wants us to believe that Bubba Bush was acting in good faith and, by golly, just doin' his lil' ol' job the best he knew how. Who could blame a god-fearing, good-faithing, good ol' boy for that?

In the end, I agree with the wording of this article but a contrario to its meaning: this is indeed an intelligence failure in that Bush failed to be intelligent, the media failed to be intelligent enough to hold him to it, and the US population failed to be intelligent enough to give a hoot.


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