"Bubba" sightings in the international press and selected blogs.

Monday, October 04, 2004

Slate: The Global Test - It's called reality

"What do you have in common with a Frenchman? Look again at Kerry's words. He says the test is to "prove" that our reasons for attacking were legitimate. In the next sentence, he gives an example of someone failing that test: Colin Powell's February 2003 presentation to the United Nations about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. What did Powell apologize for? The inaccuracy of our intelligence. Kerry contrasts this with the trust France once placed in American spy photos.
Bush claims he has done all this to protect you. But that claim is precisely what's challenged by the evidence he conceals or disregards. What he's protecting you from is the ability to measure his assertions against the world that you and I can see. That's the global test he's mocking. And he expects you to applaud him for it, because he thinks you resent the French so much you'd rather have a president accountable to no one."

Yep, Saletan is channeling Bubba Logic, not to mention Orwell.


Blogger Red-Neck Sooth-Sayer said...

This is in-fact a mute point unless you are evaluating candidates. Hey didn't both Kerry and Bush vote for the war in Iraq?

10:08 PM


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