"Bubba" sightings in the international press and selected blogs.

Friday, October 01, 2004

Yahoo! News - Bush: Kerry would let France control US military

"'The use of troops to defend America must never be subject to a veto by countries like France,' Bush told supporters a day after Kerry said the United States ought to pass a 'global test' before launching a preemptive war. "

More Bubba logic.

If you believe Bush's story, you believe that a) France was the only country against the Iraq invasion b) the US/UK had a perfect right to do it.

The reality is quite different.

France was a more vocal component of widespread world sentiment against the Iraq invasion, up to 90% in Spain, 80% in France and the UK and 60% in the US.

Furthermore, elective invasion of another country is against international law. The Security Council did not approve the invasion. Kofi Annan recently reiterated that the Iraq invasion was illegal. So, as it goes, it isn't France that would keep the US from performing illegal acts but International law.

Finally, is there anyone out there today, even a Bubba, who believes that poppycock about making America safer by invading Iraq?


Blogger Red-Neck Sooth-Sayer said...

Statistically speaking one should set the time frames for evaluation of relative safety. If one were to look over the past relatively short timeframe of two years (11 Sept 01 to 10 Sept 03) I would say there have been less terrorist attacks on American soil the year (11 Sept 02 to 10 Sep 03) than the previous year (11 Sept 01 to 10 Sept 02)? So as far as "Poppycock" (isn't that a cheap brand of popcorn?) someone must be ready to eat crow, n'est pas?

10:30 PM


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