"Bubba" sightings in the international press and selected blogs.

Thursday, March 25, 2004

Spinsanity - John Kerry's French connection

"Rather than trying to engage in the now-common rhetorical tactic of creating associations with terrorists or dictatorial regimes, some political opponents of Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry are engaged in a slightly more subtle campaign to link him with France, the leading opponent of the war in Iraq, and thereby play on nationalist sentiment. Kerry does, of course, have French relatives and speaks French. But the rhetoric has extended far beyond those near-meaningless facts."

French frying Kerry! Bubba Bush, having no legitimate arms, will try to do what he does best: get the Bubba vote with Big Hate politics! We're seeing a lot of it already in the "hate" press.

Take this article in the Intellectual Conservative (really an oxymoron, but I think that the title speaks in relative terms) which serves us up this pile of conservative intelligence:

It is not without reason that Senator Kerry has become known as the “haughty, French-looking candidate.” Regardless of his appearance and demeanor, Kerry’s ideology and voting record is in accord with France, a nation whose stated goals are to oppose the interests of, and diminish the influence of, America.

But wait there's more here in the Northern Star

"Well, French appeasers are ecstatic about Kerry.

Michael Manville of the New York Sun quoted the director of the French Center on the United States, Guillaume Parmentier, in his front-page article several days ago.

"[Kerry] is more like a leader would be in Europe."

Parmentier is right. But we are not Europe. We are better than Europe and the rest of the world. That's why we are the last remaining superpower and France is not."

Then there's this from the New Hampshire Union Leader

"Despite voting in support of the Iraq war, Sen. Kerry has aligned himself with the likes of France, Germany and Russia, all of whom tried to place the U.S. under constraints via the United Nations. Sen. Kerry’s cry to “internationalize” the war effort is a cry for Americans to obtain outside approvals before we defend ourselves."

The "French" cry will get more and more strident over the next few months, but I'm thinking that rather than tarnishing Kerry's image, we'll be seeing a re-think on global politics. People will be asking themselves "who is the enemy" and a lot of those who went ape over the Big Hate rallies in the past will soon be asking themselves "Are we hating the right people?"


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