"Bubba" sightings in the international press and selected blogs.

Wednesday, December 31, 2003

EPA Led Mercury Policy Shift (washingtonpost.com)

"For nearly 21 months, a government task force steadily moved toward recommending rules that within three years would force every coal-fired power plant in the country to reduce emissions of mercury, which can cause neurological and developmental damage to humans.


But in April, the EPA abruptly dismantled the panel. John A. Paul, its co-chairman, said members were given no clue why their work was halted -- that is, until late last month, when the Bush administration revealed it was taking an entirely different approach, using a more flexible portion of the Clean Air Act.

Now here's a deal that even many Texas Bubbas can understand. The Bubba Bush administration removes EPA regulation that would seriously reduce mercury emissions from coal-fired plants. There are many such plants in Texas, from energy plants to aluminum, and the mercury levels are very high along the coastal bend, to the point that it is advised not to eat shellfish.

Too bad that the much-lauded Bubba-in-chief axed the new regulation.


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