"Bubba" sightings in the international press and selected blogs.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Rocky's Full Court Press -- Not Covered by the Press

If I weren't a regular reader of cursor then I wouldn't have come across this excellent video of Mayor Rocky Anderson of Salt Lake City giving the Bush administration, the current congress and the American media a sound verbal thrashing. It's a thrilling video to watch. What's amazing is that it's coming from Salt Lake City -- I would never have imagined that the Mormon state would permit such defiant acts of political courage.

Rocky pulls no punches and gives everyone his share of criticism. He is especially critical of the US print media, including the local Salt Lake City journals, for not printing the corrections on their articles about WMD in Iraq until after the Iraqi invasion, at which point it was too late.

While Rocky doesn't ask for it, his speech clearly makes the argument for the impeachment of Bush. He does mention that Bush Sr. and Rumsfeld should be sharing the docket with Hussein for Human Rights Violations because they were complicit with Saddam during his gassing of the kurds. That's a strong note that I'm sure a lot of Americans are not ready to come to grips with.

I'm wishing this man the best ... and I'll have to keep my eyes open for him in the future.

My quick search of "Rocky Anderson" on news.google.com came up with few media stories outside of Utah. Clearly, the US media have not picked up on this, although it is very rare for the Mayor of the capital city to harangue the President while he is staying in the state overnight. It has probably never happened before, quite a powerful story, really, but Americans other than Utahns won't hear anything about it. Instead, they will get to see lots of stories about the arrest of a certain Utah polygamist, as if that were news.


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