"Bubba" sightings in the international press and selected blogs.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Sir Iain Bliar Should Resign

Much like Tony, Sir Iain's way of assuming responsibility is by passing the buck or denying the charges. Given the current state of British political depravity, he will probably get away with it, too.

But let's look at the case in an objective manner.

First, we have all these staid Brits explaining about how the "shoot-to-kill" order is necessary and how there will be "accidents". I had thought that the Brits knew better than this, having seen how badly it works in the states.

Second, we have the facts of the case: a nice guy takes the subway, runs for the approaching train, is overpowered immediately by one policeman and then is shot in the head repeatedly by another. Murderous action for no real reason other than the "jitters". These men should be immediately reprimanded and indicted. Oh, and by the way, the "kill him" order was given by a woman, how up-to-date we are!

Third, we have Sir Iain backing these guys to the hilt. Do tell, Sir Iain, are you "justifying" such murderous acts? Then you should resign, good Sir, and take Tony with you.

My naive images of a civilized Britain are forever dispelled.


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