"Bubba" sightings in the international press and selected blogs.

Sunday, January 23, 2005

BBC NEWS | Schwarzenegger 'damages Austria'

"Arnold Schwarzenegger's Austrian citizenship should be ended over the execution of a convicted killer in the US, a politician in Austria has said.

Peter Pilz, of the Green Party, said the Californian governor broke Austrian law by allowing Donald Beardslee's death by lethal injection on Wednesday.

He said Mr Schwarzenegger, who has dual nationality, had 'heavily damaged the reputation of the republic.'"

The truth is that capital punishment shocks the majority of Europeans and only serves to further alienate Europe and the USA.

That being said, there is a vocal minority in Europe that supports capital punishment; most of these supporters are involved in various neo-fascist movements, including the current Austrian government.

My conclusion: even a country like Austria, with a coalition government including neo-fascist elements, condemns the tendancies of the USA, even those of a "progressive" state such as California. Left is the USA is already far-right in Europe. That's why, to Europe, the Bubba Logic seems so incredible.


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