"Bubba" sightings in the international press and selected blogs.

Friday, August 13, 2004

Bubba Bush's Perpetual War on Terror

Today's happenings on the campaign trail and elsewhere are reminders of how much the Bubba administration counts on the public to not pay close attention.

First, look at Bush's announcement that he is better placed than Kerry:

Bush said in an interview yesterday on Cable News Network's ``Larry King Live'' program. ``The question is: Who can best lead the country in a time of war? And I think it's me, because I understand the stakes.''

Yeah, Bush understands the stakes all right. His family and his entourage have gained the most from Bush's war escalation. In this case, the stakes are not those of the nation but those of an elite few.

And how do we get into all these WOT messes? It takes a Bubba to do things like call a major assault on the most holy Shi'ite city: Najaf.

More than 2,500 people marched down a major highway in Bahrain today in an angry but peaceful demonstration against more than a week of fighting in the holy Iraqi city of Najaf, many shouting, "Death to America!" and "Death to Israel!"

Demonstrations also took place in Lebanon and Iran, where almost every major city held protests. A crowd in the capital, Tehran, set afire American flags and an effigy of U.S. President George W. Bush.


"This is a very dangerous situation. God knows what will happen if America attacks this holy shrine," said Sheik Ali Salman, head of the Shiite-backed Al-Wefaq National Islamic Society.

"We hope this matter is resolved peacefully. But if not, the U.S. can be sure they will have a lot more opposition than they could ever imagine," he said.

So Bubba Bush creates a whole new generation of terrorist candidates with his stupid dog tricks. Still, W won't complain since he'll be laughing all the way to the bank on this one. More War, More Money. Lao Tzo knew that in 3000 BC.

In the meantime, Bubba W has done some serious thinking about Homeland Security and has chosen the new CIA successor. Now this guy seems to have reached Peter Principle epiphany:

Moore embarrasses new CIA chief

President Bush said Mr Goss was the "right man" for the job
US Congressman Porter Goss, nominated to be the new director of the CIA, may be talking himself out of the job, according to film-maker Michael Moore.
Moore, who directed the film Fahrenheit 9/11, has released an interview with Mr Goss in which he says he lacks the qualifications for the top spy post.

"I couldn't get a job with CIA today. I am not qualified," Mr Goss told Moore's production company in March.

But what we'll see most in the US media about the campaign is the stupid rants, including this one by Bubba Cheney:

"Senator Kerry has said that if he were in charge he would fight a 'more sensitive' war on terror," Mr Cheney told a Republican audience in the key state of Ohio, to loud laughter.

That is the ultimate Bubba ploy: call someone a "sissy" because he makes good sense. W and Dick don't want to be sensitive, they just wanna kill lots of people and make lots of money. None of that sensitive stuff for these Bubbas.



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