"Bubba" sightings in the international press and selected blogs.

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

WebMD : Bilingualism May Keep the Mind Young

"Two languages may be better than one when it comes to keeping the mind young. A new study shows that being fluent in two languages may help prevent some of the effects of aging on brain function.

Researchers found that people who were bilingual most of their lives were better able to stay focused on a task amidst a rapidly changing environment compared with people who only spoke one language.

The ability to keep one's attention on a task is known as fluid intelligence, and it is one of the first aspects of brain function to deteriorate as people get older.

The study is with folks who have been bi-lingual every day since they were 10 years old. Good news for my kids, but inconclusive for me since I only started my second language at around 30.

Wonder if this will start off a fad of "second language" in the states? Is this why hispanic and asiatic kids in the states are often treated as "wunderkind"?


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