"Bubba" sightings in the international press and selected blogs.

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

NYTimes.com | Abuse of Captives More Widespread, Says Army Survey

"May 25 — An Army summary of deaths and mistreatment involving prisoners in American custody in Iraq and Afghanistan shows a widespread pattern of abuse involving more military units than previously known."

The news about prisoner abuse and what can only reasonably be construed as war crimes committed by members of the US Army, apparently high ranking, is just now coming into play.

Yet two years ago in Afghanistan, there was this horrifying story that just never made it to the front page:

"U.S. probe mass Taliban 'suffocations'

August 21, 2002
(CNN) -- Washington is looking into reports that hundreds of Taliban prisoners suffocated to death in northern Afghanistan and were dumped into mass graves after surrendering to U.S.-backed forces last year.

State Department spokesperson Philip Reeker said Monday the United States would look into the "circumstances surrounding the events that are reported," and seek accountability from Afghan authorities.

This week, U.S. magazine Newsweek reported that around 1,000 Taliban prisoners died after they had surrendered to the U.S.-backed Northern Alliance and were in the hands of warlord General Abdul Rashid Dostum.

They died of suffocation in cramped container trucks while they were being taken from their Kunduz stronghold to Sheberghan prison, west of Mazar-e-Sharif, the magazine quoted a confidential U.N. memo as saying.

So who is going to mention this today (other than yours truly)?


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