"Bubba" sightings in the international press and selected blogs.

Monday, January 12, 2004

39% See Bias In Reporting On Campaign (washingtonpost.com)

"The more ideological people are, the more likely they are to feel strongly about media bias. Conservative Republicans, by 47 percent to 8 percent, say the media lean toward Democrats, while liberal Democrats, by 36 percent to 11 percent, say coverage tilts the other way. "

Color me an ideologue! But it's one thing to resort to polls and another thing to perform studies. Now the fine folk (note the sarcasm) of Media Research would have you believe that that since media people by-and-large vote Democrat that there is a so-called "liberal bias". That presupposes that since you vote Democrat that you will report and portray a partisan pro-Democrat line. This study seems to ignore entirely the big money behind big media.

Lots of problems with this studies. But anyone with the faintest familiarity with the BBC or any Europe press knows that:

-- journalistic standards are much higher in Europe
-- there is a liberal press in Europe, as well as a conservative press (Murdoch and Berlusconi are there, of course)
-- there is a thriving, widely-read outlet for political humor
-- there is a debate about the level of media bias that is carried out by the media themselves

Every Saturday afternoon, on France 2 television, the television ombudsman appears with representative viewers and they hash out the stories of the week on France 2 and its partner France 3. They publish letters to the editor, discuss them with the guest viewers and talk about what France 2/3 should do to eliminate bias. The reporters themselves are sometimes present. Can you imagine this sort of participatory press in the US? And don't tell me that the O'Reilly factor is just this!

In any case, FOX bias is so blatant that no one will argue with it. Just take a look!


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