"Bubba" sightings in the international press and selected blogs.

Wednesday, September 24, 2003

Online NewsHour: The Cost of War -- September 22, 2003: "BUBBA PERLE: ... I find it a bit ironic to listen to someone say there's no electricity, there's no water, therefore we must not spend money on electricity and water. What we are attempting to do in Iraq is precisely restore essential services, as Ambassador Bremer indicated, provide security, and open the way to a decent Iraqi government and a private Iraqi economy.

MEDEA BENJAMIN: But we haven't been able to do it in six months.

RICHARD PERLE: Of course it can't be done in six months, no one is proposing that it could be done in six months-- "

For once we see confrontation in the US media, albeit not the mainstream. Unlike FOX and CNN, PBS does try to find balance in its newscasts. It is unfortunate that Medea Benjamin repeats herself a bit too much, but still the point gets across and Bubba Perle is shown to be the phony that he is. The credibility of his assertions is clearly put to a strain.

Has the US media finally gotten up the courage to point out the Bubbas in the Bush administration?

(Thanks to cursor.org for the link.)


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